Selma Piro

Preparing for the future


Are you one of those whose religion is what they believe?

So you rely on your beliefs?  In other words, if it is not what you believe, then it is not true.  This is not at all the same as saying you do not know – that would be honest!  Making your beliefs your foundation is like imprisoning yourself.  Then you cannot consider anything you do not believe… It is a trap.

What are your beliefs based on?  For example, either you know you are here or you do not.  This is an experience, not a belief.  Hopefully you are not basing your experience on your belief, for then you would be missing out on the experience of life itself and all it entails.  Are you lost in your beliefs?  Has this become your religion?

If you are merely speculating about something, then bear in mind you are taking a temporary stance and have a working model that is open to questioning and investigation.  Otherwise it is unscientific.  If science is your religion you also need to be open to uncertainty and examination.  Science is not about beliefs other than for theory and exploration.  If there is evidence then you can say how you found out and know something; this is no longer a belief, unless it is still a working model.  The point I am making is not to become too unnecessarily concrete.

Do not be trapped in your own self-imposed attempts at explaining what you do not know.  Stay with the uncertainty and eventually you may actually someday come to know.

Of course many who claim to be scientists do not practice science; they do not put their ‘religion’ or beliefs into practice.  This is a problem across all religions – faith and non-faith.  People say they believe in things all the time, but do not practice what they preach.

What belief is it you are investigating here?  How about taking a look at the Soul?

“Any consideration of the soul must only be relative to your current circumstances, stage of development and the range of reality that you are able to experience. This, of course, is the challenge facing any idea of spiritual truth in the world—that it is all relative to where you are looking from and your position in the universe and in Creation.

Therefore, what may be true within this reality may not hold true in the next dimension of reality that you will experience most certainly when you leave this world. Fighting and arguing and going to war over religious ideas is a fool’s errand, at the very least, and an utter tragedy in reality.”