
I’ve seen this again and again in communities: people want to do this, that and the other, but they don’t have the capacity.  They don’t have the space in their lives – even though we all essentially have the same amount of time.  How come certain people are able to function so much better and get things done?  Because they are focussed.

Why is it that some people are splashing around making lots of noise and turbulence, but getting nowhere?  Because their focus is not on contribution – they are going nowhere.  That’s why my Way of Wellness run at the Yoganest in Bethnal Green to build community is focussed on developing capacity.

This is inner transition.  The way I see it, nothing much will change or get done without this, other than a lot of talk, meetings, notes, evaluation, more research, frustration and not understanding.  In other words so much wasted time and effort – leading many to burn-out.

What about those active people achieving without burn-out?  How come?

You can even spend time investigating the causes of burn-out in others, but in reality how does this apply to you?  How do YOU build your own capacity?

What is it you really need to do to simplify your life and be clearer and more boundaried about your own priorities?  How can you become more self-contained and reliant within yourself?  Where are you wasting time and resources?  What’s sucking energy out of you?

You probably have answers to many of these questions, but are you doing anything about it?  Where will you find the strength?  How will you build capacity?

What is it worth to you to build that capacity?  How much do you want it?  How far do you want to go?  How much capacity do you really want?  What is truly your motivation and intention?

What we’re building here is a sense of self.  That’s the beginning.